Project Management
Success in a project depends upon the quality of the project management process within the company. Today’s projects are characterized by requirements and technology options which change rapidly over the course of the project. Our Project Management Process is characterized by commitment to quality project processes, ability to train and mentor our Project Managers to analyze situations »
Solutions Architecture
At Genisys Technologies, our core discipline and value proposition is our ability to architect solutions right. Objectives set for a solution are centered on requirements and business process that are aligned with the business objectives. The solutions we implement are based on sound technology choices, proven business practices and rigorous quality checks and they lay the foundation to leverage technology
Software Engineering
The engineering group in Genisys Technologies is comprised of multifaceted team of skilled software professionals experienced in engineering analysis, design, development, automation and product development to the needs of the customer in various industry segments.
Infrastructure Solutions
Enterprises make huge investment in applications servicing various functions of the company. Application development in most enterprises happens over time and spans various departments and function groups. Technical expertise is developed within enterprises in various tools, technologies and platforms. Multiple database and operating system platforms are adopted to best serve each application.
Enterprise Application Integration
The engineering group in Genisys Technologies is comprised of multifaceted team of skilled software professionals experienced in engineering analysis, design, development, automation and product development to the needs of the customer in various industry segments. The WS-SAG is involved in reviewing and mentoring our software engineering professionals in various engineering disciplines through out the employee’s
Support Maintenance Solutions
arge enterprises make significant investment in IT infrastructure and solutions over a period of time which spans various departments and operations in the company. Maintenance cost involved in operating and supporting these applications are sky rocketing exponentially over time as availability of resources to take care of operations has become increasingly scarce. This forces companies to divert